What is HPV Vaccination?

What is HPV Vaccination?

The human papilloma virus (HPV) has multiple strains that can infect a man or womancause sexually transmitted disease. It is well known that high risk strains of HPV such as the 1618 can cause cervical cancervaginal cancer among women. It is also proved that these viruses can cause gentital wartsanal cancer among both menwomen.

Vaccination is a process of injecting a part of the virus, either in inactive or dead form to stimulate our bodys’ immune response to produce immunity against the particular strain or virus. The HPV vaccination is the vaccination against some common strains of the HPV to prevent the occurrence of cervical cancergenital warts in menwomen. Do bear in mind that vaccination works by preventing a diseasenot treating someone who has been already infected with a particular strain. You are still recommended to take the vaccination if you have been infected with HPV as the vaccine still protects you from other hazardous strains.

Who Should Get the Vaccine?

HPV vaccination is recommended globally for girls who are aged 1112 years old but can be given as early as 9 years old. This age period is before most girls become sexually activeget transmitted with the human papilloma virus. The HPV vaccination is also recommended for women aged 13 through 26 years old for those who have not completed their HPV vaccination shots earlier in life. The age when boys receive the vaccination shot is also within 1112 years old.

The Centers for Disease ControlPrevention (CDC) recommends that all 11 to 12 years old girls receive 2 shots of the hpv vaccination 6 weeks apart rather than the older three doses schedule. This is similar to girls aged 913 to 14 years old where they can receive the two dose schedule vaccination shots. Dataresearch shows that the two dose schedule is equally effective for all children under the age of 15. Pregnant women are not recommended to take the vaccination. This also applies to anyone who is moderately or severely ill.

Do inform your doctor if you are ill before the vaccination dayif you have any particular allergies to latexyeast. If you had any severe allergic reactions previously from any vaccination, do also notice your doctor prior.

For teensadults who receive the vaccination shots later will still need to take the three dose schedule. Two most common types of vaccination given are Gardasil 9 which is approved by the U.S FoodDrug AdministrationCervarix.

Vaccinations of all sorts are provided everywhere. Thereby, during this pandemic season you can also visit the nearby hospitals to get the Covid 19 vaccine. To know more about the vaccination read here.

What are the Side Effects of HPV Vaccine?

Just like any other drugsvaccines, the HPV vaccination also has some very mild to moderate side effects. However not everyone who is vaccinated against the HPV will have similar side effects. Some of the most common side effectsrisks are as follows;

  • Soreness, swellingredness at the injected area
  • Dizzinessfainting episodes
  • Headachesfatigue
  • Nauseavomiting

Do bear in mind to always meet up with a doctor if any of these symptoms does not go away by itselfstart worrying you a lot more than usual. Some simple home remedies such as applying a cold pack over the swollen area may help to reduce the swellingeventually heals the pain. Over the counter painkillers may also help you at times to reduce the painsoreness over the injected site.Be reminded to always remain seated for at least 15 minutes after injection to avoid any dizzinessfainting.